Stone Temple Tea - Green Velvet

Regular price $8.00 Sale

Green Velvet

Experience the vibrant harmony of flavors in our Green Velvet green tea blend. Crafted from a meticulous combination of premium green teas Sencha, Gunpowder and Nilgiri Green from renowned tea regions, this blend offers a captivating balance of aroma, taste, and colour.

Green Velvet captivates the senses with its exquisite balance of taste and fragrance. From the moment the delicate leaves unfurl in your cup, a verdant aroma fills the air, reminiscent of lush tea gardens. The palate is greeted with a velvety smoothness, as notes of fresh grass and gentle florals evolve across the tongue. A hint of smokiness lingers in the background, adding depth and complexity to the overall experience.
Versatile and invigorating, this fantastic green tea blend is suitable for any time of the day and is perfect for making kombucha! Whether enjoyed in the morning for a refreshing start or as an afternoon pick-me-up instead of coffee, its robust flavor profile with a complexity of flavors enhances every sip.

When used for making kombucha, this blend of green teas reveals a complex interplay of grassy, floral, fruity, citrusy, smoky, and vegetal notes. It imparts a crisp flavor with light grassy undertones, offering a perfect canvas for pairing with various flavors. Whether you opt for citrus fruits, berries, herbs, tropical fruits, flowers, or peaches, our Green Velvet green tea blend is sure to elevate your kombucha-making experience to new heights.


Organic green tea


Serving Size: 2.5g /cup
Steeping Temp: 80°C
Steeping Time: 3-5 mins.
Origin: Various
Caffeine: Medium
Certification: Organic
Grade or Quality: Loose Leaf
Aroma: light grassy, smoky, vegetal
Infusion Aroma: light grassy, smoky, vegetal
Infusion Color: light golden green
Infusion Strength: Medium