Stone Temple Coffees - Wholesale

Stone Temple Coffees - Jungle

 We are expanding our brand reach everyday. Whether you are a restaurant, coffee house, independent supermarket owner or large business owner we can help you achieve better coffee sales revenue with our brand. 

Stone Temple Coffees is currently seeking distributors and interested resellers throughout North America and Europe. If you have wholesale purchase interests, please notify us of your needs. We offer competitive factory pricing with emphasis on building and maintaining strong business relations with our clients.

Stone Temple Coffees - Why us?


Contact us today and see how we can help your business increase revenue.


Canadian Flag

Canadian Sales:

Tel: 1-613-920-7694 



USA Sales:

Tel: 1-803-728-9521




Gordon Food Service logo
Canada wide wholesale distribution.  Canada Flag


 RangeMe Icon   

Canada and USA Purchase Platform for Retailers.  Canadian Flag USA Flag British Flag 


 Faire Icon 

Canada and USA Sales and Distribution for Retailers. Canadian Flag USA F;ag



 Volcanic Retail

Canadian Wholesale Platform for International Buyers and Drop Shippers. Canada Flag



        Green Donkeys